Quick Filipino Adobo

cooking my way through half baked harvest:
··· recipe #38

Thoughts: This recipe came at the perfect time, as I had just received a pork butt in my Butcher Box that was perfect for this recipe. I had a few issues, but the smell and flavor were NOT impacted by that at all - this dish was SOO GOOD! My sauce took almost four times as long to thicken than the recipe claims, but I kept with it until it got to the perfect consistency. My sticky rice also took about four times as long to cook, and needed way more water added to actually get the rice fluffy. I spent so dang long on the meal that I immediately dug in and decided that a boring iPhone photo was good enough for the blog. I wish I actually took the time to photograph it properly, but the aroma was way too enticing to wait!

Score: 7 out of 10 (Would have been a 9 if the timing on the recipe was accurate)

Follow the rest of my Cooking Through Half Baked Harvest Journey here!