7 Facts About Us | Our 3 Year Anniversary

Did you know that Mr. San Diego and I got legally married on our dating anniversary? Exactly four years after we made it “Facebook-official”, we went to Las Vegas and got married in the Little White Wedding Chapel on February 11th, 2017! It was such a fun experience and we got to keep our exact same Anniversary date!

Although we’ve only been man-and-wife for three years, it feels like so much longer. Perhaps it is because we’ve been celebrating February 11th for seven years now. Perhaps it’s because we’ve grown so much. Regardless, I’m so proud of how far we’ve come as a couple and how much work we’ve put into making our marriage a happy one.

To celebrate our little victory in wedded bliss, I thought it would be fun to share seven facts about our relationship that you might fun amusing (or disturbing)! Seven facts for our seven years together as a couple, since only sharing three for three years married would be too short! They were fun memories to reminisce on and I hope you enjoy them!

  1. I was the one who initiated the first kiss. It’s true and not surprising, given my control issues. After a night of watching movies together, he walked me to my car like the gentleman that he is. As we were saying goodbye, I looked up at him and said, “I’m going to do something weird”, and then I kiss him. Yes, those are the exact words I used because I am a great big WEIRDO. It was the world’s worst first kiss! He was caught off guard by my bizarre statement and I was nervous about kissing him. Don’t worry, the second kiss was MUCH better.

  2. We almost broke up twice over baseball. Mr. San Diego is an obsessive San Diego Padres fan and I’m a long-time Los Angeles Dodgers fan. Naturally, Mr. San Diego was upset that my team is superior to his and that caused issues in our relationship. Okay, okay…that is a little unfair. Truth is, we’re both incredibly competitive and the Padres loathe the Dodgers. Well, the Dodgers don’t give much thought to the Padres. Our little rivalry led us to two HUGE fights that nearly ended our relationship, and we learned that we needed to stop competing with each other if we were going to make it work. Obviously, we worked through it!

  3. We worked together for a year before we even spoke to each other. He was the mail boy and I was the office b*tch, or so I’m told. We sat less than 50 yards from each other but didn’t speak until we took a First Aid class together about a year after I started working at our office. During the class, we got put together as partners and I don’t know if we would have ever had the chance to get to know each other if it wasn’t for that single First Aid training!

  4. He knew he wanted to marry me when he sneezed on my face. You read that right, my friends. He sneezed directly onto my face. We were snuggling together in bed, my head was on his chest, and he couldn’t move fast enough to redirect his sneeze. I didn’t even flinch and just wiped off my face and went back to watching the movie. He was so shocked that I didn’t lose my mind over the germ invasion he sprayed all over my face, and in that moment, he knew that I was going to be the one he wanted to spend his life with. Romantic, am I right?

  5. Mr. San Diego got sick the night before proposing. He also got sick on the day of our big wedding ceremony in September. He also got sick on our honeymoon to Kauai. Do you sense a theme here? I think it was his way of testing my commitment to “in sickness and in health”.

  6. We got legally married in Las Vegas because our cruise lied to us. Well, they didn’t know they were lying at the time, but Mr. San Diego and I booked our wedding on a cruise ship bound to Alaska and we were told that we’d be able to get legally married on the ship for an extra fee. After we paid our deposit and invited our guests, the cruise informed us that they could NOT perform the legal portion of the ceremony. That was obviously a problem, and was why we chose to head off to Vegas for a fun elopement style wedding! We thought it would be fun to keep our Anniversary on the same date since I have a terrible memory!

  7. We drunkenly exchanged I-love-yous in a bar. Small Bar in University Heights, to be exact. I think he was drinking a Bloody Mary, I was drinking a Mimosa, I accidentally said “I love you” first, and he agreed and said it back. We had only been together for a little over a month at that point. Madness, I tell you!

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enjoy! xoxo